Appealing Your Property Taxes

Fewer than two percent of homeowners try to appeal their property assessments, according to an article in Money magazine. However, the National Taxpayers Union reports that 60 percent of properties are overvalued. The Money article said an appeal will require five to 20 hours of work and most of the time you won’t need a lawyer. It suggested the following steps: Call your assessor’s office to find out how it sets home values; go to the assessor’s office and ask for the evidence used in valuing your home; build your case by looking up neighbors’ valuations at the assessor’s office and reviewing sales of comparable homes; if you think your property has been overvalued, meet with the assessor to politely make your case; and file an appeal (usually with a county board).

There’s more to these steps, so check out the whole Money article. After you receive your assessment, you’ll have 60 days to file an appeal.

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