A 5/14 _ABC News_ story reported that students now graduating from college with a bachelor’s degree are beginning their careers with an average of over $17,000 of debt. And that’s forcing some – especially liberal arts majors – to forgo the idealism of their intended career in favor of better-paying jobs. Two other news organizations offer some help. _U.S. News & World Report_ provides numerous good ideas for paying for college or paying off student loans
h3(matt). Matt’s View
p(matt). Believe it or not, there are ways to go to college without racking up loads of debt. If your kids are still in diapers, think 529 plans. If they’re older and you (or they) don’t have much in savings, think community college for the first two years, or look into co-op programs in which students go to school one term and then work at a job in their chosen field the next term. Finding ways to minimize debt when paying for college takes some time, requires some creativity and often involves some level of compromise. But it sure beats having your kids start their careers underneath a pile of bills.
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