Moving Toward a More Secure Financial Life

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and with the growing problem of identity theft, much advice has been given about securing our financial records. Most of it goes something like this: Back up all of your most important computer-based financial files on DVDs and send them to a trusted out-of-state relative, make a video recording of everything you own, copy all important documents, and, well, you get the idea. We tell ourselves, “Yeah, right, we’ll get to all of that someday.”
For a more realistic approach, agree to take one small step today. A great first one, as suggested on the _Motley Fool’s_ web site, is to photocopy the contents of your wallet—both sides of your credit cards and other important items. Then stash that copy in a secure place–a safe deposit box, for example. That way, if your wallet disappears you’ll know exactly what was in there and who to call.
h3(matt). Matt’s View
p(matt). Should you ever entertain the thought of eating an elephant, experts on such matters usually suggest one bite at a time. The principle applies to organizing your financial records as well: Take it one small step at a time—starting today.

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