Money Down the Drain

Do you drink bottled water? If so, you’re not alone. According to an in _Fast Company_ magazine, the average American has gone from drinking less than two gallons of bottled water per year in 1976 to over 28 gallons last year. But the article said bottled water is an unnecessary expense and bad for the environment. It stated that bottled water isn’t healthier or safer than tap water, and even though the bottles are recyclable, an estimated 38 billion water bottles end up in landfills each year.
h3(matt). Matt’s View
p(matt). What’s a money-minded, eco-conscious person to do? First, consider plain old tap water. According to the _Fast Company_ article, for most people in the U.S., tap water is completely safe. There are guidelines for checking out the quality of your community’s tap water and more
p(matt). If you have concerns about the safety or taste of tap water, opt for a
. Using filters is a less costly and less environmentally harmful alternative to bottled water.

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