Fear, Anger, and a Ray of Hope

Our tattered economy has a lot of people feeling fearful, angry, and surprisingly, okay. These mixed findings come from a new survey by CNN and Opinion Research Corporation, which found that nearly 75 percent of U.S. adults are scared about the way things are going in our country. About the same number are angry. Those results are understandable. However, 75 percent of respondents also said things are going well for them personally. One other hopeful indicator coming out of the survey is that fewer people say things are going “very badly” in our country. Some 32 percent of people feel that way compared with 40 percent just a couple of months ago.

It’s encouraging to hear how many people say things are going well for them personally in the midst of so much bad economic news. Perhaps we’re becoming a bit less shell shocked at all of the negative news. And maybe we’re learning to be grateful for that which we once took for granted. I know that’s true in my own life. As we say simple prayers with our young children each night–prayers of thanks for our family, friends, and food–I’ve been taking those prayers to heart in a new way. What about you? Have you found yourself feeling more thankful for the simple things?

For another optimistic perspective on our economy, read this excellent post by personal finance writer Mary Hunt.

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