In an era of high unemployment, it’s not very wise to complain about your job. However, there’s a lot of dissatisfaction out there. According to a survey by the Conference Board, just 45 percent of Americans are satisfied with their jobs. That’s the lowest rating in the 22 years that the organization has been surveying workers. Those under 25 are the least satisfied. And apparently it isn’t just dissatisfaction with salaries or higher health insurance premiums that are driving the numbers down. According to a story about the survey on WalletPop, just 51 percent of respondents said they find their work interesting—another low. Is it any wonder that 22 percent said they don’t expect to be in their current job a year from now?
This survey made me wonder whether there’s more that people could do to make their jobs more interesting. For some, that might be about volunteering for other projects or networking within their company to see what else is available. For others, it might be about seeing their work as a means to some more meaningful end—perhaps organizing co-workers to get involved in after-work volunteer programs.
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