The Price of Getting to Work

While plenty of people would like to get back to work, many of those who are working may be damaging their health just getting to and from their jobs.  According to a new IBM global commuter study, over half of all commuters says roadway traffic has negatively impacted their health.  A story about the study noted that 84 percent of American workers drive a car alone to work despite the fact that there are numerous rideshare programs available (search on the name of your state and “rideshare”).

I once had a job where I commuted one day a week with someone I knew from church.  We both lived and worked close to each other.  That once a week shared ride did more than save us both a bit of money and stress.  It led to a great friendship that has now lasted more than 20 years.

Do you carpool?  If not, what are the possibilities of finding a colleague who lives close to you and suggesting that you give it a try for at least a day a week?


4 Responses to The Price of Getting to Work

  1. Matt Bell July 8, 2010 at 10:59 PM #

    Karen – I hear ya — nothing like letting someone else do the driving while you spend your time more productively. And some employers even help subsidize the cost of public transportation.

  2. Karen July 8, 2010 at 12:20 PM #

    Here in the D.C. area we have great mass transit, for which I am very grateful! It is a low-stress way to travel to and from work, much better than sitting in traffic (which is very heavy around here!). Also, I can read or listen to podcasts of sermons from church – an additional stress reliever, and good for my relationship with God. Much more honoring to Him than the things I used to think and say about drivers around me when I was stuck in traffic…

  3. Matt Bell July 7, 2010 at 2:42 PM #

    Great idea, Jerry. I have a friend who bikes to work all year — here in Chicago!

  4. Jerry July 7, 2010 at 2:13 PM #

    … Or, how about riding your bicycle? Get a little exercise on the way in and start the day refreshed! Not only will you save money on fuel and other vehicle expenses, but could help you drop that expensive gym membership too.

    See my website for some more info, including links to organizations that can help get you started.

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