Money Stairs

My New Book, “Money & Marriage,” Releases This Week

I couldn’t be more excited that this week marks the official release of my new book, “Money & Marriage: A Complete Guide for Engaged and Newly Married Couples.”  It’s been on my heart to write this book for a long, long time.

I’m sure it isn’t news to you that money is a very common source of stress between spouses.  It’s even a primary factor in many divorces.  I wrote this book with no less of a goal than to save many marriages from disaster, and to help all couples use money in a way that strengthens their relationship and increases their joy.

A Call to Action

While I don’t usually use this blog for promotional purposes, I hope you won’t mind me asking for your help in reaching as many couples as possible with “Money & Marriage.”

If you are engaged or newly married (within the last five years or so), you’re in the book’s intended sweet spot.  I strongly encourage you to buy the book.  I know it’ll be a blessing in your marriage.

Even if you’re not engaged or newly married, would you buy a copy?  You could give it as a gift to someone you know who is engaged or newly married, give it to your church and ask that it be given to someone who could benefit from it, or donate it to your library where it could benefit many couples.

Your purchase of the book will help it get off to a great start.  That creates buzz, which make more people aware of the book, which ultimately enables the book to help more people.

Once you own a copy, posting a review to Amazon would be extremely helpful as well.

What “Money & Marriage” is All About

As I did research for the book, I found myself thinking, “Well, no wonder so many couples have financial disagreements!”  Men and women just come at money from such different financial directions.  They have different financial priorities, different levels of interest in various financial topics, and different comfort levels with risk.  Add to all of that the fact that savers tend to marry spenders and you’ve got a recipe for financial conflict.

“Money & Marriage” helps couples understand where each other is coming from, financially speaking, which creates empathy and helps them figure out how to use money as a team, dialing down their stress while increasing their happiness.

It gives specific guidance on how couples can set up and use a budget, get out of debt, buy a house, prioritize paperwork, resolve disagreements in a healthy way, and a lot more.

Throughout the book, there are numerous encouraging stories of couples that faced financial challenges and how they worked them out, including one story of a woman who brought over $50,000 of non-mortgage debt into her marriage.  In over 20 years of studying, writing, and teaching about money, it’s one of the most powerful stories I’ve heard.

Investing in the Success of People’s Marriages

I wrote “Money & Marriage” because I believe in marriage, and I want to see all the hope a couple feels on their wedding day and the promises they make that day fulfilled.

Your purchase would make an extremely important difference.


2 Responses to My New Book, “Money & Marriage,” Releases This Week

  1. Matt Bell March 14, 2011 at 6:41 PM #

    It’s a great idea, Beth. I passed this along to my publisher. Thanks!

  2. Beth March 14, 2011 at 5:36 PM #


    I don’t know if you’ve considered signing up to use the “search inside this book” feature on Amazon, but I know that feature has helped me confirm that I want to purchase a book from Amazon on several occasions.

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