A weekly roundup of some of the more interesting and helpful personal finance articles I’ve read recently.
What if you were the world’s best market timer? (The Irrelevant Investor). Fortunately, you don’t have to achieve the impossible.
Why we can’t stop torturing ourselves with 401(k) wreckage (Bloomberg). With this type of wreck, it’s okay to look and not get out of the car to help.
Seven in ten Americans mess up their credit before turning 30 (Forbes). Most of the mistakes are easily preventable.
10 things millennials should do to reach the next financial level (US News). Lots of good practical advice here.
Welcome to tax fraud season: here’s how to survive it (MainStreet). What to watch out for so an identity thief doesn’t claim your refund.
Finding meaning within your job — even if you don’t like it (The Simple Dollar). It isn’t so much about the work; it’s about the worker.
The dangers of co-signing a student loan (Clark Howard). This warning was first issued several thousand years ago! (Proverbs 22:26-27)
College savings: what’s in, what’s out? (Savingforcollege.com). There have been some changes to the rules and regs governing 529 college savings plans. Here’s the latest.
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