A weekly roundup of some of the more interesting and helpful personal finance articles I’ve read recently.
Why you might go bankrupt if your next-door neighbor wins the lottery (Wall Street Journal). Really interesting research into the whole keeping-up-with-the-Joneses phenomenon.
Life insurance made easy (Sketch Guy – a NY Times blog). A simple two-step process to figure out generally how much you need.
How to find the best travel deals in 2016 (MarketWatch). Here’s a bonus article on the same topic: Travel hacks to save you money on your next vacation (Bible Money Matters). What are some of your best ideas for saving money on travel?
Another big health risk that can really hurt you (CNBC). Be careful about what financial information you share with your medical care provider.
Child I.D. theft is a grown up financial issue (MainStreet). This is a problem that can go undetected for a long time.
Four things you say about your job that can hurt your kids’ future careers (Fast Company). Another reminder that what we say around our kids matters more than we may realize.
Simple preparation, big savings (The Simple Dollar). I like the “free-range herb patch” idea. Which ideas from this article resonate with you?
What really goes on in a college admissions office (Time). Saving money to pay the tuition is a huge part of the college equation, but you also need to know how to apply for admission.
To ask questions or give feedback about any of the above articles, meet me in the comments section.
My day job is writing for Sound Mind Investing, a 25-year old investment newsletter that was founded at the encouragement of the late Larry Burkett, a prolific biblical money management writer and radio host. The organization offers the best approach to investing I’ve ever encountered, which is a key reason why I accepted the opportunity to join its staff almost four years ago. Right now, SMI is offering a 30-day free trial membership. I strongly encourage you to see for yourself what SMI is all about.
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