A weekly roundup of some of the more interesting and helpful personal finance articles I’ve read recently.
I used an app to set up my first-ever budget and it changed the way I look at money (Business Insider). Nice first-person account of the benefits of using the most powerful personal finance tool available. Do you use a budget? If not, why not?
How to negotiate salary: 5 secrets backed by research (Barking Up the Wrong Tree). It’s amazing what you can get if you just ask. Here’s how.
Money is not for spending (Everyday Cheapskate). There’s a crucially important step to take first.
Why it’s such a struggle to save an emergency fund (Financial Post). Some good advice for those who find it tough to save.
Are you a savings addict? (Time). For a quarter of the population, it isn’t tough to save; it’s tough to spend. Here’s how to know if you’ve taken frugality too far, and what to do about it.
The church collection plate goes digital (Bloomberg). Do you give electronically? What are the pros and cons?
Christians flock to groups that help members pay medical bills (NY Times). Healthcare-sharing ministries have grown rapidly since the rollout of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). If you use one, what’s been your experience?
What happens to my debts when I die? (Time). One of the main dangers of co-signing for a loan.
To ask questions or give feedback about any of the above articles, meet me in the comments section.
Check out the new Money. Purpose. Joy. seven-session video course. It’s for all who want to manage money more effectively and joyfully.
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