
Profitable Ideas: Buy Slowly, Jesus’ ‘Terrible’ Financial Advice, and More

A weekly roundup of some of the more interesting and helpful personal finance articles I’ve read recently.

Reconsidering the merits of slow acquisition (Becoming Minimalist). They lived within their means and bought things when needed. Crazy, right?

Teaching kids to save, not hoard (Ron Blue Insitute). The importance of moving beyond tactical teaching to uncover the motive behind your kids’ behavior.

Feeling the squeeze? Stop buying brands (CNN). The ultimate irony would be if this company became a well-known brand.

Bill Gates continues his quest to gamify philanthropy with a malaria quiz (Fast Company). A creative approach toward getting more people involved in solving some of the world’s most urgent problems.

The future is coming, whether you save for it or not (The Simple Dollar). Okay, it’s a bit of a finger-wagging lecture, but it’s a good wake-up call as well.

Jesus’ terrible financial advice (Forbes). Well, it’s terrible if you were hoping the Bible says something other than what it actually says!

Leaving your digital legacy (Kiplinger). What will happen to all of your online accounts after you’re gone?

Six ways to save money on your streaming services (Three Thrifty Guys). Good advice on trimming your entertainment budget.

What are your thoughts on any of the above? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

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2 Responses to Profitable Ideas: Buy Slowly, Jesus’ ‘Terrible’ Financial Advice, and More

  1. Jill Harvey August 19, 2017 at 9:53 AM #

    This is an excellent article and should be required reading for anyone who has a computer and/or internet accounts. Just last week a parishioner learned (the hard way) that her deceased husband had a password on his computer, a password that he did NOT leave behind. She is completely locked out of everything. What a mess! If you love your family, do them the great favor of writing them an “I love you” letter… as in “I love you enough to want to make things easier for you after I’m gone.” And while you’re writing down your passwords and computer info, don’t forget to include your wishes for your funeral service and some basic info for your obituary.

    • Matt Bell August 19, 2017 at 11:27 AM #

      Jill – Sorry to hear about your parishioner’s experience, but thanks for taking the time to affirm the importance of keeping the person responsible for our estate in the loop about our online accounts.

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