
Profitable Ideas: Why You Should File Your Taxes Early, Preparing for a Crash, and More

A weekly roundup of helpful personal finance articles.

Why it’s more important than ever to file your taxes early this year (Magnify Money). It can help protect you from tax ID theft.

With a tax deduction gone, is home equity a smart way to pay for college? (NY Times). A common source of college funding is now far less attractive.

Why you should make saving for home repairs a priority (Bible Money Matters). “Home maintenance and repairs” is one of the most common items missing from household budgets, which is just asking for trouble.

Two-thirds of Americans have inadequate insurance (Kiplinger). For recommendations on more specific types of coverage you may need, read Shoring Up Your Walls of Protection.

Your estate plan needs an update, even if it is new (Reuters). The new tax laws have rendered some trusts unnecessary, but are you among the many people who don’t even have a will or power-of-attorney documents?

4 steps to make sure your retirement plan is ready for anything—even a market crash (Time). As surely as nighttime follows daytime, bear markets follow bull markets. The best time to prepare is when all is still well.

Shopping bans and other unusual ways to control spending (US News). Practical ways to show yourself a little financial tough love.

Workers at Apple supplier Catcher describe harsh conditions (Bloomberg). As the owner of multiple Apple products, I enjoy the company’s focus on design. Why can’t it design a more humane supply chain?

What are your thoughts on any of the above? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

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