
Profitable Ideas: What You Don’t Know About Risk, The Cost of a Long Commute, and More

A weekly roundup of helpful personal finance articles.

It’s Hard to Predict How You’ll Respond to Risk (Collaborative Fund). Lots of implications here—from preparing for a bear market to charting a career path.

Home buyer’s remorse: Why you get it and how to get past it (MarketWatch). Learn from those who’ve gone before you to avoid the regret of a bad purchase.

It’s tax time: What to remember (NY Times). What you need to know as you get ready to tackle this annual chore.

Know how and where to store your tax documents (US News). What to toss and what to keep.

Minimalist do-over: Seven things I’d do differently (No Sidebar). Even if you’re not aiming for the full “minimalist” thing, this article should help you tame your clutter.

Study: Adding 20 minutes to your commute is like getting a 19% pay cut (The Ladders). If your dream home comes at the cost of a longer commute, that may be too high a price to pay.

4 ways to keep envy from ruining your retirement investments (Wise Bread). Tempted by the cryptocurrency craze? Read this first.

The power of the 30-day challenge: 10 challenges that can improve your finances this month (The Simple Dollar). Just choosing one could make a huge difference.

What are your thoughts on any of the above? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

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