
Profitable Ideas: Turning a Hobby Into a Moneymaker, Avoiding a Tax Refund Scam, and More

A weekly roundup of helpful personal finance articles.

A beginner’s guide to monetizing a hobby (Magnify Money). Turning what you do for fun into a moneymaker.

The romantic side of budgeting (The White Coat Investor). One of the least appreciated benefits of a budget is how it can foster a sense of financial oneness in marriage.

IRS warns that tax preparer and refund scam is getting worse (CBS Money Watch). Does your accountant have proper protections in place?

How to turn a resume gap from a disadvantage to an advantage (Fast Company). Ideas for what to say and what not to say.

15 smart ways to earn money from home (Living Well Spending Less). Lots of options here, and you can’t beat the commute.

Decision regret (A Wealth of Common Sense). If the recent spike in stock market volatility has you second-guessing some of your investment decisions, this one’s for you.

Serenity and personal finance (The Simple Dollar). Gaining and keeping financial peace of mind.

A most morbid game (Humble Dollar). It isn’t really so morbid after all, just a good article on the benefits of waiting as long as possible to begin claiming Social Security benefits.

What are your thoughts on any of the above? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

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