A weekly roundup of some of the best personal finance articles from around the web.
Wake up! A record number of workers are ‘sleepwalking’ through their careers (Moneyish). The late Studs Terkel called it, “Making a dying.” If your career could use a wake-up call, this article has some helpful ideas.
Strategies for wasting less food (Litterless). It’s shocking how much food goes to waste. Here’s how to do better.
Here’s how the prosperity gospel really works (The Rich Fool). “…a subtle but hugely important distinction that hinges on motivation and heart.” Indeed.
Some adult children earn more when they live close to their parents—here’s why (MarketWatch). Interesting findings. Another good reason for families to stay close together.
Get money (or a tax deduction) for your used tech (Kiplinger). Got an old phone or computer lying around gathering dust?
3 myths about what affects your credit score that FICO wants to clear up for you (CNBC). Do you think carrying a balance on a credit card is essential for having a good score?
10 principles for handling money in marriage (Three Thrifty Guys). Solid, practical ideas for all who want to invest in a stronger relationship.
How to change your habits to get out of debt and stay out (Bible Money Matters). The people you surround yourself with will have a bigger impact that you may realize.
When it comes to spending, focus on meaning (No Sidebar). Some pre-purchase questions to consider.
What are your thoughts on any of the above? Let me know by leaving a comment below.
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