
Profitable Ideas: Reaching Maximum Frugality, Five Things to Never Buy New, and More

Weekly roundup of some of the best personal finance articles from around the web.

When frugality bottoms out (The Simple Dollar). What to do when you’ve maximized savings in all areas.

How to teach your kids about money and help them be financially responsible adults (Money). Solid advice, especially for younger kids—and especially “Let them learn by doing.”

Buying less is better than buying green — for the planet and your happiness ( After all, if you’re buying environmentally friendly stuff, you’re still buying.

The asymptote of joy and woe (The Aleph Blog). A fancy way of saying, “You need some money in reserve!”

If personal finance feels like punishment, you’re doing it wrong (She Picks Up Pennies). There’s a difference between spending wisely and living a life of deprivation.

Five things you never need to buy new (CNBC). What types of things do you refuse to buy new?

Is customer loyalty costing you money? (The Evidence-Based Investor). If it’s been a while since you’ve shopped your insurance, you might be spending too much.

Dragging out a college degree is a drag on finances (Real $martica). If you have college-bound kids, the more you can prep them for what they really want to study (and what they really want to do for a living), the better. I know, easier said than done, but still..

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