
Profitable Ideas: Minimalism in a Crisis, The True Cost of a Cat, and More

Weekly roundup of some of the best personal finance articles from around the web.

Minimalism in a crisis (Becoming Minimalist). As we stock up on essentials, this is a good time to consider all that is truly non-essential.  

Personal finance during a crisis (A Wealth of Common Sense). An action plan for anyone whose personal economy has been hurt by the pandemic.

Eight financial strategies to consider during the COVID-19 shutdown of 2020 (Validea’s Guru Investor Blog). More guidance on how to navigate the strange times we’re living in, mostly geared toward your investment accounts.

Anonymous donor gives every household in an Iowa town $150 in gift cards for food (CNN). One of many examples of how the pandemic is bringing out the best in people. I love stories like this.

How the virus transformed the way Americans spend their money (NY Times). An interesting look at how radically the pandemic has impacted what we’re buying and not buying.

Precise emergency funds or accurate emergency funds (The Waiter’s Pad). What sources of money are you counting on being able to tap in an emergency? How realistic is your plan? 

Here’s a great home-school idea: Teach your kids about money (CNBC – h/t/ Art Rainer). Profitable ways to put some of your family’s newfound time to use.

How much does it cost to adopt a cat? I tracked every expense for 6 months. (Mr. Money Wizard). It adds up to a lot more than I would have thought.

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