
Investing in Solutions

Like you, I’ve been shocked and saddened by the death of George Floyd and the violence that has marked many of the ensuing protests. I’ve wondered what I can do to help end racism? What should I do?

While I realize it’s somewhat easy to “throw money at the problem,” I also know there is something very powerful that happens when we get our money involved in something bigger than ourselves. As the Bible says, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:21).

Some years ago, when my wife wanted to help financially support a friend doing missions work in Bolivia, I saw how doing so raised my awareness and shaped my heart. At the time, quite honestly, I would have struggled to quickly find Bolivia on a map. But after we started sending some treasure there, my heart went there as well.

I began to notice anytime Bolivia was in the news, and every time my wife’s friend sent us a ministry update, I read her newsletters with great interest. Getting our money involved got my heart involved. I believe much could be the same today regarding race relations. So, I have started looking for Christ-centered ministries and other non-profits working on the issue of racism.

The following list has not been vetted. I have no first-hand experience with most of these ministries. (The only exception is Cru. We have been long-time enthusiastic supporters of various aspects of its work.) They are simply organizations I have read about or that others have recommended. My family is in the process of learning more about each one and we will begin supporting at least one of them soon. I encourage you to prayerfully consider doing the same.

Ministries and other non-profits to consider supporting

AND Campaign

Christian Community Development Association

Equal Justice Initiative 

Evangelicals for Social Action

Cru’s Inner City Ministry 

InterVarsity’s Black Campus Ministries 

Love City (This one is focused on Louisville, but there are likely similar ministries in other cities.)

Poor People’s Campaign

The Evangelical Covenant Church’s Sankofa program

What other ministries do you know of that are working in this area?

Again, I realize that financially supporting one or more of the above organizations is a very small step. It seems distant, removed, and far too easy. But it’s a step my family (and yours) can take right now, and who knows where it might lead.

Take it to heart: “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” – Micah 6:8

Take action: I believe the best thing we can do right now is to pray — pray for peace, understanding, and wisdom. Pray that God would show us what He wants us to learn from all of the pain, and what He wants us to do.

Read more: Moving Forward


2 Responses to Investing in Solutions

  1. Nathan Andrew Anderson June 9, 2020 at 4:04 PM #

    hey Matt, I thank you for this blog. I still attend Park church which is where we met.
    how did you come to know about Sankofa?

    I went on this trip w the college..North Park University and it was life-changing. Thank you for listing it above.

    Nate Anderson

    • Matt Bell June 9, 2020 at 4:37 PM #

      Great to hear from you, Nate. I heard about Sankofa from a fellow Park alum. And after I read about their work, I realized that I had actually heard of the initiative long ago from a mentor of mine, Dick Towner, who went on one of their trips.

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