Weekly roundup of some of the best personal finance articles from around the web.
51% of millennials are keeping a major money secret from their partner: here’s what they’re hiding (CNBC). The ideal? Full financial disclosure before marriage, ongoing financial transparency after marriage.
Should I pay off debt, save money, or invest? (Clark Howard). The benefits of tackling two of these priorities together.
What homeowners insurance does and doesn’t cover in a power outage (Money). Check to see what your policy would cover under this circumstance.
Your car insurer may be using pre-pandemic mileage to set 2021 rates (LA Times). All that to say, call your insurer to let them know if you’re driving less and find out if that will lower your rates.
The unequal inheritance: it can work, or it can ‘destroy relationships’ (NY Times). How to navigate a very challenging decision.
How much money is enough? (And other wisdom from Proverbs) (Eric Geiger). Timeless Truths about some very practical money matters.
Swappa: 5 things to know before selling your phone (Clark Howard). Do you have an old phone (or two or three) lying around? Here’s an option for turning it into cash.
Is it even possible to manage debt anxiety? (Relevant Magazine). Good advice for one who’s been there and done that with debt.
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