Profitable Ideas: Frugality Gone Too Far, Saving For Life’s Unexpected Good Things, and More

July 16, 2021

Weekly roundup of interesting and helpful personal finance articles from around the web.

Signs you’ve become too frugal (Money Ning). If you want to know how I really feel about this topic, read The Case Against Frugality.

How does a raise early in your career affect your finances? (Of Dollars and Data). Good reasons to negotiate your salary. As my kids have learned to say, “You never know what you can get unless you ask.”

How the minimal mom decluttered her home and paid off debt (The Penny Hoarder). The quest for an organized home turns out to be financially profitable as well.

Inheriting an individual retirement account? Here’s how to avoid a tax bomb (CNBC). A little knowledge and a little intentionality can add up to a lot of money.

Finding merit (Humble Dollar). The college acceptance and financial aid systems are pretty opaque. These ideas will help shine a light in the darkness.

A case for opening ‘what if?’ savings accounts (Bloomberg). We save for unexpected bad things, so why not save for unexpected good things?

An “only the best” approach to the things you keep (Becoming Minimalist). The “clutter” handed down from previous generations can be especially tough to part with.

Are you getting a monthly payment for your kids? Check the IRS’ child tax credit portal (Kiplinger). Find out if you’re eligible for this new government benefit, and then plan ahead for how to best use the money.

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