Weekly roundup of interesting and helpful personal finance articles from around the web.
Child tax credit payments have begun. Should you opt out? (NY Times). It seems like free money, but it isn’t.
Is it hoarding, collecting, or archiving? Keep? Toss? (Psychology Today). Oh, the complicated relationship we have with our stuff.
Should I co-sign? Here is the truth about what God says (Luke1428). Just another example of God’s Word helping us make a tough decision for the good of our relationships.
More than 50% of people say an emergency fund is a higher financial priority post-pandemic (CNBC). Do you have enough set aside for life’s curve balls?
The cost of friendship (Incognito Money Scribe). An investment we should never stop making.
I broke up with my piano (Becoming Minimalist). Nicely written piece about letting go.
Here’s where you can buy school supplies (and more) without paying sales tax this month (Money). Plan ahead and you may be able to save a few bucks.
Two new ways to feed hungry people with dignity (NCF). Creative ways that two communities are doing more than handing out food.
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The Psychology Today article was really good. I’m starting to really rethink some of my possessions that were my mom’s. Who wants some old sheet music? No one. Old clothes that smell like moth balls? No one!