
Profitable Ideas: Hope in the Midst of Money Fails, Social Media is Now Social Commerce, and More

Weekly roundup of interesting and helpful personal finance articles from around the web.

Is there any hope for my money fails? (The Gospel Coalition). A biblical perspective on learning from mistakes and moving forward.

Cooling off (Humble Dollar). Investors climb the wall of worry.

How to eliminate your money regrets (A Teachable Moment). It’s better to find out now if you’re off track and take action.

TikTok adds in-app shopping, in a partnership with Shopify (NY Times). Is “social commerce” the new town square?

Do you really have to stay in your house for 3 years to break even on your mortgage? (USA Today). At times when homes are appreciated quickly, the rules can change.

The EU is giving citizens the “right to repair” electronics—here’s what that could mean for the world (TED). So many things are thrown away when they could be repaired at less cost to us and the environment.

Flood insurance will soon cost some homeowners hundreds more each year (Money). Do you live in an area prone to flooding?

Living life or documenting insignificance (Eternal Perspective Ministries). On a related note, the documentary, “The Social Dilemma,” is available for a short time for free on YouTube. It’s well worth watching. Even better, if you have a tween or teen, watch it with them and then talk about their take-aways. 

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