
Profitable Ideas: Managing Your Career, The Real Cost of Cars, and More

Weekly roundup of interesting and helpful personal finance articles from around the web.

Wisdom I wish I knew 30 years ago (The Big Picture). Good career management advice, no matter what your field.

The cotton tote crisis (NY Times). Why is it that so many supposedly eco-friendly actions turn out to be not so eco-friendly? Is this more about signaling?

How to slow your car’s depreciation so you can sell it for more (Life Hacker). The most important step is making a wise purchase decision.

Buying groceries the Amazon way (Bloomberg). The future of grocery shopping looks like no checkout lines.

Ikea is the latest major retailer to bet on ‘buy now, pay later’ (Fast Company). It’s becoming less fashionable, but ‘save now, buy later’ works better.

Auto theft spikes during the pandemic as cars are left unattended (USA Today). If your car has a keyless ignition, don’t leave your key fob in your car!

Employees are getting happier working from home as the pandemic drags on, and companies are getting worried (The Week). This one may have a wide range of long-term ramifications. Have you been working from home? Which do you prefer — home or office?

What it really costs to own a new car in 2021 (Clark Howard). The important point here is that purchase price isn’t the only financial consideration when buying a car. One of my favorite tools for estimating all of the costs is True Cost to Own from 

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