Profitable Ideas: When Kids Game the System, Decluttering More Than Stuff, and More

April 8, 2022

Weekly roundup of recommended personal finance articles from around the web.

Why bribing kids backfires (Psychology Today). It’s important for kids to learn key life lessons early in life, but gaming the system is not one of them.

Minimalism and decluttering are similar, but not congruent (The American Genius). A helpful distinction for those who hope to declutter once and for all.

How people think (Collaborative Fund). The always thought-provoking Morgan Housel is at it again, with an intriguing article that has implications for how we manage money and so much more.

4 types of clutter that stop you from achieving your purpose (Fast Company). Not all clutter is physical.

How inflation can affect your homeowners insurance (MarketWatch). Make sure you’re covered for your home’s replacement cost.

Why you need to use your travel points right now (Clark Howard). Watch out for falling point values.

What to do during a recession: a timeless strategy (Darius Forum). Good advice for bad times, and all times.

Talking money with your spouse (Kiplinger). It’s natural for spouses to divvy up responsibilities. Just make sure the money matters don’t get too one-sided.

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