Weekly roundup of recommended personal finance articles from around the web.
Amateur investors rode the bull up. Now the bear looms (NY Times). After a long-running bull market that left many investors feeling like they could do no wrong, some are facing their first real test. See also, Maintaining perspective (SMI).
Why everyone’s bearish (The Irrelevant Investor). Is it possible that things are not as bad as they seem? Yes.
The rising cost of living: how to maintain your qualify of life (Monevator). Cutting your spending will only get you so far. Try creating a better money story.
Recruiters decide if you’ll be a good hire within seconds—these 4 things will help you stand out (CNBC). How to make a good first impression—fast.
9 ways to reduce money arguments with your spouse (Art Rainer). You probably have some financial goals. Do you have some marriage goals? See also, 3 financial problems that hurt couple relationships (Money Ning).
Should you consider a Roth conversion while the market is down? (Kiplinger). In a word, yes.
Personal finance education requirements, by state (Visual Capitalist). Teaching about personal finance in schools is no substitute for teaching at home, but it can be a helpful supplement.
How much will my car insurance go up after an accident? (Bankrate). If it’s your fault, quite a bit. It pays to drive safely!
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