Profitable Ideas: The Best Strategy for Two-Earner Households, Inside the Modern Marketer’s Playbook, and More

July 22, 2022

Weekly roundup of recommended personal finance articles from around the web.

5 reasons dual-income families should live off one and bank the second (Money Ning). The best financial advice my wife and I got before getting married was to base our lifestyle on one income.

3 real estate lessons learned from our last investment property (Physician on Fire). I’m guessing a lot of us are intrigued with the idea of investing in real estate. Before we do, it’s good to learn from those who’ve been there and done that.

An opaque web of credit reports is tracking everything you do (Money). Pretty much every financial move we make is being recorded.

20 NBA players who went broke and lost millions of dollars (Fadeaway World). Any common themes here? Maybe investing in something without understanding it? Or partnering with people who proved untrustworthy?

How soaring inflation may deliver a higher tax bill — especially for retirees, homeowners and high earners (CNBC). Have you enjoyed watching the value of your home go up on Zillow? Your local tax assessor has been watching, too.

Products on shelves getting smaller? You can blame ‘shrinkflation’ (CNN). The sneaky way brands raise prices without much notice.

Instagram is dead (Om). As with so much of life these days, it’s all about selling stuff.

How technology is driving serendipitous shopping on social (Fast Company). In order to spend wisely, we have to know how marketing works. This article, which was provided to Fast Company by Meta, gives an unvarnished look at the modern marketer’s playbook. “Discovery Commerce”? 

To weigh in on any of the above, just leave a comment below. And if you haven’t done so already, sign up for a free subscription to this blog.


  1. Kevin Smith

    Have you heard about CAP Christians Against Poverty? I just started working with them getting them connected to other service orgs in the burbs of Chicago! I love CAP for the following reasons.
    – We always work through a local church.
    – We discern the best moment to share “The Hope” we all can have despite our financial problems.
    -We provide a personal counselor to come to the clients home to get them started with learning a budget.
    – We have a 25 year track record of serving people in UK and have recently come to US and looking to expand!!!
    Please check out for more details
    Would love to talk if you are curious!

    • Matt Bell

      I’m not familiar with them, Kevin. I’ll take a closer look.

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