Weekly roundup of recommended personal finance articles from around the web.
How to beat shrinkflation (US News). It’s one of the sneakiest ways manufacturers raise prices. Here’s what you can do about it.
Why target-date funds might not be the best retirement-planning option for you (Money). They’re the default option in many retirement plans, but there may be better alternatives. See also, How well do target-date funds perform in a downturn?
Old frugal habits die hard: why I force myself to spend more (Darius Forum). Are you unnecessarily restricting your spending? See also, The case against frugality
Personal brand as moat, personal brand as soft landing (Commoncog). What matters most when building a career.
Financial advice I would give my younger self—planning for education funding (Kiplinger). When a financial expert reconsiders some of her own decisions, there are important lessons to be learned.
How to reduce the costs of your child’s extracurricular activities (Money Ning). I especially like the fourth idea. Having some investment in their own extracurriculars can help our kids get the most out of them.
We’re mortgage free! Our 10 steps to get a $500,000 paid-off house in five years (Marriage, Kids and Money). It took a shared commitment and numerous trade-offs—one couple’s path toward financial freedom.
Inside the rise of ‘stealerships’ and the shady economics of car buying (Planet Money). A financial reporter walks into a car dealership—and walks away with insights that are helpful for all who are in the market for a car.
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