
Profitable Ideas: Investing Time Well, The Hidden Cost of Cheap TVs, and More

Weekly roundup of recommended personal finance articles from around the web.

Don’t just spend your time—invest it (Wall Street Journal). After all, it’s your most valuable asset.

Distractions: understanding the biggest productivity killer (Lifehack). Pro tip: turn off 80-100% of notifications. Read also, Bob Goff on a less distracted life (Relevant Magazine).

The hidden cost of cheap TVs (The Atlantic via MSN). “The companies that manufacture televisions call this ‘post-purchase monetization.’” It begs the question, Who’s watching who?

Always add these skills to your resume if you can (Lifehacker). Of course, you need to actually have any skill you include on your resume, but you may be overlooking an ability that matters to employers.  

Should I buy additional insurance from a rental car company? (Clark Howard). In short, no, but double check what coverage is available on your credit cards. Some cards have recently stopped providing rental car insurance as a cardmember benefit.

How to stop shopping impulsively in 2023: 23 frugal tips! (No Sidebar). Regular readers know that I don’t care for the term frugal, but there are some good ideas on this list!

Scammers pretend to be from your bank to drain your savings (USA TODAY). You have to be really careful these days. See also, My experience with check fraud — and what you can learn from it (Oblivious Investor).

It all belongs to God (FaithFi). “Are you carrying a burden of ownership that you have not been designed to carry?” Good question.

To weigh in on any of the above, just leave a comment below. And if you haven’t done so already, sign up for a free subscription to this blog.

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