
Profitable Ideas: More Money in Your Paycheck, Uncommon Advice on Choosing a College, and More

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web.

You may see more money in your paycheck this month. Here’s why (CNN). Revised tax brackets may mean you’ll owe Uncle Sam a bit less.

Cell phones in school: a conversation starter (Screenagers). This site is worth following for help managing screen time in your household. See also, Schools in 41 states have spent millions on pouches to lock up kids’ phones (NBC News).

New Year’s resolutions (The College Financial Lady). Specifically, for parents of college-bound children. See also, On choosing a college (Seth’s Blog). Solid advice — so simple, so uncommon.

Don’t get caught like the SEC: protect your online accounts with two-factor authentication (Wall Street Journal). Pretty shocking that a regulatory body like the SEC wasn’t taking this basic precaution. Are you?

More Americans are racking up credit card debt (Fox Business). If you need help with this, see if your church has a stewardship ministry. Or review the articles on my site in the credit/debt archives.

Historical U.S. stock market returns through 2023 (A Wealth of Common Sense). Good to keep the big picture in mind whenever stocks hit a rough patch.

The financial fundamental most people overlook (Best Interest). Yay! Another writer who believes in the value of budgets! Now that Mint has announced plans to shut down, here’s the budget tool we’re starting to use in our household.

You don’t need everything you want (VOX). It’s important to keep in mind the distinction between wants and needs.

To weigh in on any of the above, just leave a comment below. And if you haven’t done so already, sign up for a free subscription to this blog.

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