Father on Purpose

Dads (and Moms), Teach Your Kids About Money!

I’m passionate about everything that relates to biblical financial stewardship, but I’m especially passionate about seeing today’s young people grow up learning biblical financial perspectives and practices. And the best teachers for that are parents.

That’s why I’m thrilled to have been a guest on the Father On Purpose podcast recently with hosts Kent Evans and Lawson Brown.

In our conversation, we talked about why it’s so important to teach our children a biblical approach to money (the many benefits of engaging with our kids on this topic, and the risks of not doing so), how to do that in some specific areas like helping our kids develop a diligent work ethic, and much more.

To go deeper on this topic, pick up a copy of, Trusted: Preparing Your Kids for a Lifetime of God-Honoring Money Management and the free companion small group discussion guide.

As you might guess from its name, the Father on Purpose podcast is intended for dads, but moms are invited too!

Please take a few minutes to listen and send it on to other parents you know. Be sure to check out Kent’s other resources via his Manhood Journey website as well. 

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