
Profitable Ideas: Too Cheap, A Holy Habit, and More

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web.

Are you TOO cheap? 4 ways cheaping out could cost you in the long run (MoneyNing). When frugality crosses a line. See also, The case against frugality.

The airline industry’s biggest winners are betting you’ll pay to fly in style (Wall Street Journal). I don’t mind sitting in the cheap seats—I just don’t want to pay to check bags, and the only way I know to avoid that (other than flying Southwest) is to use an airline co-branded credit card.

Don’t sign your severance agreement until you negotiate these 3 points (Fast Company). More is negotiable than you may realize.

Revealed: The best Christmas gifts you’ve ever received (Positive News). Suggestions for giving meaningful, memorable gifts. 

You already work a Christian job (The Gospel Coalition). “Anything you can do will please God if it’s noble work done for his glory.”

20 lessons from 20 years of managing money (A Wealth of Common Sense). One of the best investment bloggers shares some of what he’s learned.

Ignoring your old 401(k) could be a $130,000 mistake (Kiplinger). If you leave one job for another, don’t leave your retirement account behind.

Expressing gratitude is a holy habit (Eternal Perspectives Ministry). Thanksgiving might be over, but there are always reasons to give thanks.

To weigh in on any of the above, just leave a comment below. And if you haven’t done so already, sign up for a free subscription to this blog.

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