Profitable Ideas: Choices to Make Sooner Than Later, Let Them Stumble, and More

January 10, 2025

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web.

9 choices you’ll wish you made sooner (This Evergreen Home). Time flies, so make these choices sooner than later.

Is it time to become a one-car family? (MarketWatch). A highly underrated wise money management move—if you have two cars, have you ever considered becoming a one-car family?

Jimmy Carter’s grandson jokes about grandparents’ home (CNN). Sweet and funny examples of how success didn’t prevent Carter from remaining true to who he was.

Let them stumble: the four mistakes children make to succeed (Psychology Today). There’s a lot of rescuing going on in today’s parentland, which can prevent our kids from learning some of life’s most valuable lessons.

Gambling away stability: sports betting’s impact on vulnerable households (SSRN). I don’t expect you to read the full study, but the key take-aways are worth noting—sports gambling seems to have the same effect as lotteries.

8 ways your environment completely shapes your actions (This Evergreen Home). Where possible, being intentional in choosing our environments can have a big impact on our use of money, our happiness, and so much more. Read also, The pull of the neighborhood—four ways to keep your financial footing

Are credit card rewards taxable? (Yahoo Finance). I had never thought about this. Fortunately, there’s not much to worry about, with one exception.

To weigh in on any of the above, just leave a comment below. And if you haven’t done so already, sign up for a free subscription to this blog.


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