Archive | Investing

Getting Started With Investing
For help determining how much you may need for your retirement, figuring out your optimal asset allocation, adopting the best process for choosing investments, and choosing among your IRA and 401(K) options, read The Essentials of Investing. For college funding, read How to Help Your Kids Pay for College.


How Successful Investors Talk, or Not

I had conversations with two investors recently that were very telling. The first conversation was with a guy in his 40s who invests his own money—for a living. That’s what he does. It’s how he provides for his family. It’s very unusual, and probably conjures up images of a day-trader, someone trying to sell positions […]

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An Investor’s Got to Know His (or Her) Limitations

Fear finally caused me to stop. I was in Colorado, reconnecting with some long-time friends, one of whom is an experienced mountain climber. He had slowly driven us up a perilous-looking, narrow and rocky path cut along the side of a mountain. There were no guardrails to protect us from the sheer drop-off. Bouncing around […]

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Profitable Ideas: Hope in the Midst of Money Fails, Social Media is Now Social Commerce, and More

Weekly roundup of interesting and helpful personal finance articles from around the web. Is there any hope for my money fails? (The Gospel Coalition). A biblical perspective on learning from mistakes and moving forward. Cooling off (Humble Dollar). Investors climb the wall of worry. How to eliminate your money regrets (A Teachable Moment). It’s better […]

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Profitable Ideas: Magic Beans, Selling a Sense of Groundedness, and More

Weekly roundup of interesting and helpful personal finance articles from around the web. Magic beans (The Reformed Broker). Who are you listening to for investment advice? I no longer want to shop (NY Times). How some time away from the mall changed this writer’s perspective on shopping. How has the pandemic changed your financial habits? […]

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Profitable Ideas: Help Really Wanted, The Give-and-Take Tax Credit, and More

Weekly roundup of interesting and helpful personal finance articles from around the web. $30,000 signing bonuses, childcare help: what companies are doing to attract workers (CNN). It’s a job-hunter’s market. How the stock market works (A Wealth of Common Sense). A few things everyone should know about investing. Designed for significance (Becoming Minimalist). “Our lives […]

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Profitable Ideas: Why We Buy, Adding to Your Life Through Subtraction, and More

Weekly roundup of interesting and helpful personal finance articles from around the web. Why do we buy what we buy? (VOX). One of my favorite writers on our competitive, comparative spending. Why we struggle (Humble Dollar). The challenge to manage money well “isn’t complicated—and yet it isn’t so simple.” How to make a debt reduction […]

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Profitable Ideas: Netflix Wants to Sell You a Sweatshirt, Minimalism Crashes the Economy, and More

Weekly roundup of interesting and helpful personal finance articles from around the web. Doing nothing is hard work (A Wealth of Common Sense). When investing, sometimes we have to resist the urge to take action. Plan now for changes coming to college costs (Fidelity). It looks like the aid funnel is getting narrower. 5 lies […]

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Profitable Ideas: A Money-Making Machine, Unlimited Vacation Days, and More

Weekly roundup of interesting and helpful personal finance articles from around the web. A money-making machine: why a Roth IRA is your retirement best friend (USA Today). If you have kids and they have earned income, get them started on a Roth. Long after you’re gone, they’ll continue to think very nice thoughts about you! […]

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Profitable Ideas: Whether to Invest in Cryptos, Thinking of Future You, and More

Weekly roundup of interesting and helpful personal finance articles from around the web. What’s a better investment? Bitcoin or a Roth IRA? (Paul Merriman). One of the most reasonable articles I’ve read about cryptocurrency investing. Dollar cost averaging vs. lump sum: the definitive guide (Of Dollars and Data). The lump sum wins, if you can […]

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