by Matt Bell | Aug 9, 2010 | Psychology of Money, Saving | recently posed that question among a random sample of people and financial advisors. Most people based their answer on an overarching objective of having enough money so that they would not have to work. Individuals said that would require anywhere from...
by Matt Bell | Aug 9, 2010 | Psychology of Money |
An Internet connection. An annual vacation. The financial freedom to shop for birthdays and other special occasions. Are these essentials or luxuries? For many of today’s baby boomers, they are essentials. According to a survey conducted by MainStay Investments...
by Matt Bell | Jun 8, 2010 | Credit/Debt, Psychology of Money
Americans are paying down their debt, but that hasn’t eased their stress. Some 46 percent of American adults say they are stressed about their debts, according to a new Associated Press-GfK survey. That’s about the same as last year. Those feeling the most stress...
by Matt Bell | Dec 4, 2009 | Budgeting/Planning, Money & Marriage, Psychology of Money |
What Went Wrong? I’m not usually much of a celebrity gawker. But I have to admit that I have been completely drawn in to the sad story of Tiger Woods’ “transgressions.” Golf is my favorite sport and I have spent many a Sunday afternoon watching Tiger achieve yet...
by Matt Bell | Nov 24, 2009 | Faith & Finances, Psychology of Money |
Do you find it more difficult to feel thankful this year? Even if you still have your job, you probably know someone who has lost his or hers. Or have the tough times made you more aware of and thankful for some of life’s simple gifts? We have felt the pain of...
by Matt Bell | Sep 1, 2009 | Faith & Finances, Generosity, Psychology of Money
“I do want to point out, friends, that time is of the essence. There is no time to waste, so don’t complicate your lives unnecessarily. Keep it simple — in marriage, grief, joy, whatever. Even in ordinary things—your daily routines of shopping, and so on. Deal...
Amen, Larry. I think temperament plays an important role here. My primary temperament is choleric, which brings with it a…
Good stuff, Matt. We need to work diligently toward long-term goals, but we also need to "stop and smell the…
Amen to all of that, Brad. We would all do well to remember that there's so much more to a…
Thanks, Aaron. Glad the article resonated with you.
Matt, I appreciate you sharing this great story! This reminds me how some churches do a great job of remembering…