Tag Archives | Bill Gates


Profitable Ideas: Ben Franklin on Money, Bill Gates on Money, and More

Weekly roundup of some of the best personal finance articles from around the web. 8 personal finance lessons from Benjamin Franklin (The Art of Manliness). “Don’t give too much for the whistle” and seven other money management tips from one of America’s founding fathers.  What’s your theology of money (in 200 words or less) (The […]

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Profitable Ideas: Buy Slowly, Jesus’ ‘Terrible’ Financial Advice, and More

A weekly roundup of some of the more interesting and helpful personal finance articles I’ve read recently. Reconsidering the merits of slow acquisition (Becoming Minimalist). They lived within their means and bought things when needed. Crazy, right? Teaching kids to save, not hoard (Ron Blue Insitute). The importance of moving beyond tactical teaching to uncover […]

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