Weekly roundup of recommended personal finance articles from around the web. Nobody wants to tell you this (A Teachable Moment). A hard truth — doing the right things doesn’t guarantee success in investing. Timely tips for investors to deal with today’s worst challenges (Kiplinger). Some good reminders for times like this. 5 things to know […]
Tag Archives | Buying a Home
Profitable Ideas: Your Brain on High Inflation, New Research on Money and Marriage, and More
Weekly roundup of recommended personal finance articles from around the web. How to adjust your brain for 8.5% inflation (Wall Street Journal). After enjoying a low-inflation environment for so long, it’s jarring to go to the gas station or grocery store these days. Here’s how to cope. Target-date funds work up to a point. So […]
Profitable Ideas: Frugality and Funny Conversations, How Good Financial Habits Form, and More
Weekly roundup of recommended personal finance articles from around the web. Only an eight (Humble Dollar). Frugal living and the odd conversations it fosters. Low expectations (Collaborative Fund). It’s something of a superpower, and it isn’t the same thing as pessimism. How do financial habits form — and can they be changed? (The White Coat […]
What Super Savers Do—And Why You Should, Too
A recent survey from TD Ameritrade highlighted some key differences between “super savers” and everyone else. The survey defined a “super saver” as someone who sets aside 20% or more of his or her income to save or invest. A peak into their financial lives offers good lessons for anyone who aspires to save more. […]
The Three Expenses You Have to Get Right
Financially, I’m all about sweating the small stuff. Even though I don’t like the word “frugal,” if you followed me around for a week you might describe me that way. I bring my lunch to work almost every day, reuse plastic bags, and almost always order water in restaurants. However, I’m also all about sweating […]
Profitable Ideas: Money as a Hobby, Happiness Habits, and More
Weekly roundup of recommended personal finance articles from around the web. The internet turned “money” into a hobby (Vox). Call me a spoilsport, but for a lot of people this will not end well. How Robinhood’s psych experiment backfired horribly (Wired). It was the stock trading platform of the pandemic, but “…unleashing the ‘move fast […]
You Can Afford It, But Should You Buy It?
How well we manage money has much to do with getting some of the big decisions right. How much should we spend on a house? Should we finance a vehicle? Other financial decisions can be simplified by using a Cash Flow Plan and taking an objective look at how much a household of our size and […]
Profitable Ideas: Hope in the Midst of Money Fails, Social Media is Now Social Commerce, and More
Weekly roundup of interesting and helpful personal finance articles from around the web. Is there any hope for my money fails? (The Gospel Coalition). A biblical perspective on learning from mistakes and moving forward. Cooling off (Humble Dollar). Investors climb the wall of worry. How to eliminate your money regrets (A Teachable Moment). It’s better […]
Profitable Ideas: Not Your Father’s Stock Market, The Lost Art of Thinking Long Term, and More
Weekly roundup of interesting and helpful personal finance articles from around the web. Your father’s stock market is never coming back (Fortune). The crazy investing world we’re living in. Add ‘climate hazards’ to your home-buyer’s checklist (NY Times). Now you can find out the likelihood of fires, floods, and more for a house you’re thinking […]
Profitable Ideas: Your Brain is Not Your Financial Friend, The Mobile Investor, and More
Weekly roundup of interesting and helpful personal finance articles from around the web. Your behavioral biases could be causing you more financial harm than you realize (CNBC). In many ways, our brains seem to be wired to steer us off course. Your 401(k) isn’t free. Here’s how to figure out how much you’re paying in […]