Tag Archives | Credit Cards

Ball and chain

Practical Steps for Getting Out of Debt

People often think of a budget as a ball & chain.  In truth, it’s the exact opposite – a tool that leads to great financial freedom.  But there is such a thing as a financial ball & chain.  It’s called debt. Debt is a drag.  It creates stress, keeps us from achieving our financial goals, […]

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Credit card

The Perks of Plastic

Some people seem surprised to learn that I use credit cards.  After all, I once had $20,000 of credit card debt.  However, I’ve learned from my mistakes and now follow four rules for the wise use of credit cards. Anyone who follows those rules will find that credit cards can work in their favor.  Some […]

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Best of Money Carnival #67

It’s my pleasure to serve as host of this week’s Best of Money Carnival, a weekly listing of the top ten personal finance blog posts.  As always, there were many great submissions.  Here are my picks for this week’s top ten in countdown order. 10. The New Frugality posted at Reasonably Rich: Lauren writes about […]

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New Credit Card Rules Take Effect

Credit card companies are now under new rules that, in most cases, put a $25 limit on how much they can charge customers who pay their bills late.  The Wall Street Journal reported that the restrictions could wipe out billions of dollars in annual fee revenue.  That has left credit card issuers doing what they […]

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Still Stressed About Debt

Americans are paying down their debt, but that hasn’t eased their stress.  Some 46 percent of American adults say they are stressed about their debts, according to a new Associated Press-GfK survey.  That’s about the same as last year.  Those feeling the most stress are women, married couples, people age 30-44, and the poor. Key […]

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Should You Cancel An Unused Credit Card?

A common question I get in workshops is, “Will it hurt my credit score if I close one of my credit card accounts?”  The answer is “maybe.”  But the reasons why or why not may surprise you. It is commonly thought that, especially when it comes to a card you’ve had for a long time, […]

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The Easiest Step Toward Becoming Debt-Free

The personal finance press is filled with articles on getting out of debt.  Here’s the latest example.  The article has some helpful advice.  However, like most I’ve read on the topic, it misses the single easiest step toward ditching the debt, which is to fix your payments. Here’s what I mean.  Let’s say you have […]

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