Tag Archives | Financial freedom


Determining Your Financial Independence Day

As we prepare to celebrate our country’s Independence Day this week, why not take a few minutes to figure out your financial independence day? If you have any debt other than a reasonable mortgage, that’s the day when you will be completely out of that debt. If the only debt you have is a mortgage, […]

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‘We Actually CAN Afford It!’

Sheila has long been an expert at living beneath her means. Even when she was making a relatively low salary and living in an expensive city, she never worried about not having enough. She always had money in the bank. Because she grew up as one of five kids with a stay-at-home mom and schoolteacher […]

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How I Found Financial Freedom

“God paid a high price for you, so don’t be enslaved by the world.” – 1 Corinthians 7:23 I’ll never forget the day my parents invited me home for a little chat. They had started to sense that all was not well, and they were right. I was in financial trouble—deep trouble. My credit card […]

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Free Indeed

God paid a high price for you, so don’t be enslaved by the world. – 1 Corinthians 7:23 On this holy week, in which we remember Christ’s sacrifice and celebrate his resurrection, I’ve been thinking about the apostle Paul’s words above and how they might apply to our finances. What comes to mind when you […]

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Home finance

How a Budget Leads to Financial Freedom

People who’ve never used a budget – or cash flow plan, as I prefer – usually assume it’ll be restrictive.  They think of a budget as something you go on like a diet.  They see budgets as being about cutting back, tightening the belt, reining themselves in.  For them, budgets are about less. But a […]

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