Tag Archives | identity


An Identity Theft Like No Other

Identity theft has become a common crime, impacting millions people each year. As bad as the problem is, about a hundred years ago, an identity theft took place on a far grander scale. Everyone’s identity was stolen. Amazingly, this huge heist didn’t make headlines, and it didn’t prompt any calls for greater security. In fact, […]

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The Purpose of Money

Early in my journey of learning about money, I noticed a very odd disconnect. On the one hand, it was obvious that there’s a ton of personal finance advice readily available. Search on any financial question and within seconds you can find answers—sometimes, even credible answers! And yet, lots of people struggle with money. Why […]

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Profitable Ideas: Creating a New Year’s ‘To-Be’ List, Frugality is Not Your Solution, and More

A weekly roundup of some of the more interesting and helpful personal finance articles I’ve read recently. What’s on your ‘to-be’ list for the New Year? (Sound Mind Investing). Especially if your resolutions look the same every year, maybe it’s time for a fresh approach to planning. How criminals can steal money off your gift cards (Clark […]

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A Tribute to a Generous Man

My father-in-law passed away last week. One of my favorite stories my wife tells is of a time when she was a little girl and they were driving somewhere. She noticed a sign for a bowling alley and asked her dad what bowling was. He didn’t just explain it to her; he turned the car […]

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Remembering Who You Are

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” – Genesis 1:27 Some people cry while watching love stories.  I cried while watching a horse story.  Seabiscuit is the true story of a Depression-era racehorse that, along with its owner, trainer, and […]

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