Tag Archives | Inflation


Profitable Ideas: The Best Strategy for Two-Earner Households, Inside the Modern Marketer’s Playbook, and More

Weekly roundup of recommended personal finance articles from around the web. 5 reasons dual-income families should live off one and bank the second (Money Ning). The best financial advice my wife and I got before getting married was to base our lifestyle on one income. 3 real estate lessons learned from our last investment property […]

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Profitable Ideas: Defining “Rich,” Fail-Proofing Your Budget, and More

Weekly roundup of recommended personal finance articles from around the web. Are you rich? How the wealthy are defined (US News). How would you answer that question? Retailers use psychology to influence your buying decisions, here’s how (World Economic Forum). What percentage of your typical grocery run do you think consists of impulse buys? 5 […]

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Profitable Ideas: Your Brain on High Inflation, New Research on Money and Marriage, and More

Weekly roundup of recommended personal finance articles from around the web. How to adjust your brain for 8.5% inflation (Wall Street Journal). After enjoying a low-inflation environment for so long, it’s jarring to go to the gas station or grocery store these days. Here’s how to cope. Target-date funds work up to a point. So […]

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