Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. You may see more money in your paycheck this month. Here’s why (CNN). Revised tax brackets may mean you’ll owe Uncle Sam a bit less. Cell phones in school: a conversation starter (Screenagers). This site is worth following for help managing screen time in […]
Tag Archives | Kids and cell phones
Profitable Ideas: Broke Lottery Winners, One Money Move for a Better Marriage, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. I do the reading skimming so you don’t have to. Why do lottery winners go broke? (Common Good). In many ways, lottery winners aren’t so different from you or me. Ellary’s bake sale: how I’m learning from my generous child (National Christian Foundation). Great […]
Profitable Ideas: When to Get Your Kids a Phone, Virtues of Virtual Wallets, and More
By Matt Bell on November 5, 2021 in Faith & Finances, Saving, Investing, Spending Smart, Teaching Kids
Weekly roundup of interesting and helpful personal finance articles from around the web. 8 reasons we have delayed (even further) getting our daughters phones (Eric Geiger). “When they get a phone, everything changes.” No such thing as enough money (Incognito Money Scribe). A beautiful post that puts much into perspective. Women may be better investors […]