Tag Archives | Simplifying


Profitable Ideas: A Financial Finish Line, Christians and Sports Betting, and More

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. The prosperity paradox (Becoming Minimalist). Where’s your financial finish line? Americans think they need almost $1.5 million to retire. Experts say to focus on another number instead (CNBC). Fortunately, it’s a number you have a lot more control over. Insurers are spying on your […]

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Profitable Ideas: When Investing Gets Uncomfortable, The One Guarantee in the Stock Market, and More

Weekly roundup of some of the best personal finance articles from around the web. Everybody’s talking about it (The Irrelevant Investor). To invest, you have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable sometimes. Here’s what happens when you panic and sell your 401(k) investments (USA Today). In short, nothing good. Why you probably don’t want to […]

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