If a tool existed that would give you a strong sense of control over your finances and help keep your financial stress low, wouldn’t you use it? If this tool served as a financial road map, showing you clearly how you could live within your means, generously support the causes you care about, and save […]
Tag Archives | The Millionaire Next Door
Three Reasons Why Knowing Your Net Worth Matters
Do you know your net worth? That’s how much is left after subtracting your debts from the total value of your cash and assets. At first glance, figuring out your net worth may seem pointless. You’re probably not going to bump Warren Buffett or Bill Gates from their spots on any “World’s Wealthiest People” list […]
Choose Your Financial Role Models Well
The comparison game is hard to avoid. It’s been played for a long time, and lately it’s become even more challenging. “I think the difference today is the unending nature of knowing what ‘the Joneses’ do, given technology. Purchases, vacations, educations are all broadcast via social media and other means.” That’s Sarah Stanley Fallaw, Founder […]