Weekly roundup of recommended personal finance articles from around the web. How to talk to your kids about saving (The Everyday Advisor). First, figure out if you’re dealing with a natural saver or a natural spender. Three things that stop us talking about money worries (The Evidence-Based Investor). Maybe we just need to make the […]
Tag Archives | Umbrella insurance
Profitable Ideas: Planning for a Productive Day, An Estate Plan for Your Digital Assets, and More
Weekly roundup of interesting and helpful personal finance articles from around the web. This is the best time to do anything: 6 powerful secrets from research (Barking Up The Wrong Tree). I have found this to be an important key to productivity. That’s why I try to schedule all creative work for the morning and […]
Profitable Ideas: Identity Theft Comes For a Financial Author, When Renting Beats Buying, and More
Weekly roundup of interesting and helpful personal finance articles from around the web. How identity thieves took my wife for a ride (NY Times). Even if you do everything right, you can get scammed. How much is your time worth? (A Wealth of Common Sense). Not everyone can afford to do this, but if you […]
Profitable Ideas: Working Smarter, Surprising Ways Your Credit Worthiness is Determined, and more.
A weekly roundup of some of the best personal finance articles from around the web. Smarter, not harder: How to succeed at work (Farnam Street). Eliminate the unnecessary, which probably accounts for a shockingly large portion of each day. The wisdom of frugality: Why simple living is supposed to improve us (The Simple Dollar). Simple, frugal living […]