Free 411

Remember when dialing 411 was free? Most phone service providers–whether home, business, or cellular–now charge for the call. But here are three directory assistance providers who don’t charge for the call. provides residential, business, and government listings. As reported on _CNNMoney.com_, you have to listen to short ads before and after asking for a number. Another shortcoming is that it won’t connect you; you have to write down the number, or the service can text the number to your phone. Google also offers a free service, . With its service, you don’t have to listen to ads, it’ll connect you automatically, and it can text the number to your phone. However, it’s only available for business listings. According to the _Detroit News_, AT&T just launched its own free directory assistance service: (1-800-935-5697). The ad-based service is available in 23 states, with plans to expand further, and covers all listed numbers. However, it cannot connect the call for you, nor can it text the number to you.
h3(matt). Matt’s View
p(matt). I made test calls on all three and found Google’s service to be the best if looking for a business listing. Direct connect, well-organized voice prompts, and no ads–what’s not to like?

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