Archive | Faith & Finances


Where Are You Setting Your Hope?

I came across a new phrase that I really like in John Eldredge’s latest book, All Things New (which I highly recommend). He wrote about “shepherding our hope.” I’ve never thought about hope that way, that’s it’s something to be shepherded. This idea has the potential to very positively transform our relationship with money and what […]

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How Serious Are You?

When Hal and Dee were in their mid-fifties, they found themselves with $50,000 of credit card and tax debt. That would have been bad enough, but they had been there before, which only made it worse. They had been riding a financial—not to mention emotional, spiritual, and marital—roller coaster for years. Repeating history Early in […]

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Profitable Ideas: Yet Another (Big) Data Breach, Beware the Wealth Effect, and More

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Hackers may have stolen the Social Security numbers of every American. Here’s how to protect yourself (LA Times). A security freeze at the three national credit bureaus is your strongest line of defense. So much about real estate commissions just changed. Here’s what to […]

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Profitable Ideas: The Great Wealth Transfer, Saving Early and Often, and More

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Talking inheritance (FaithFi). Boomers are expected to transfer trillions to their heirs by 2030. If you’re going to leave some money behind, it would be helpful to have a conversation with those who will receive it. Finance apps can be great for budgeting. But, […]

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‘Much Obliged’

Writer Fulton Oursler had vivid memories of an old woman named Anna who helped care for him as a child. When she sat down to eat she would say, “Much obliged, dear Lord, for my vittles.” Oursler wondered why she thanked God since she would get the food regardless of whether she gave thanks or […]

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Profitable Ideas: Happy Money, A Lifestyle of Generosity, and More

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. How much happiness can your salary buy? Researchers can’t agree (Wall Street Journal). “Money matters for happiness, but not enormously.” “No-buy pledge” catches on with TikTokers. Here’s what to know and how to start (CBS Money Watch). It’s a great way to become more […]

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