Archive | Credit/Debt


The Warmth of Winter

Even though winters are much milder here in Louisville than in Chicago where we used to live, I have still found myself longing for spring. And isn’t that how it is whenever we go through a wintry financial season? We can’t wait for a better one to begin. In my mid 20’s, I inherited $60,000 […]

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Profitable Ideas: 101 Ways to Save, Impacting Countless Future Generations, and More

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. 101 ways anyone can save money (This Evergreen Home). There’s bound to be an idea or two on this list you can use. Clark’s updated way to shop for car rental deals (Clark Howard). Clark’s go-to tips and tools for saving on rental cars. […]

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How’s Your Financial Health?

If you were to take your financial life in for an annual check-up, how would it look? To put it in cholesterol terms, would your LDL (debt) be too high? Would your HDL (savings) be too low? Each year, researchers at the University of Southern California and a group called The Financial Health Network use […]

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Profitable Ideas: Choosing What to Take In, Little-Known Ways to Protect Your Phone, and More

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Mindful consumption (Becoming Minimalist). Living intentionally in a reactionary world. How to sell your car in 6 steps (Clark Howard). If it seems intimidating, this step-by-step guide will help. Who was “i” without my iPhone? (The Gospel Coalition). Great first-person account of a digital […]

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Profitable Ideas: Needless Stress, Becoming a “Financial Mutant,” and More

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. The stress we needlessly bring into our lives (Becoming Minimalist). Some stress is unavoidable, but there’s a lot of consumerist stress we can do something about.  Do I need to unfreeze my credit to shop for car insurance? (Clark Howard). Freezing your credit files […]

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Profitable Ideas: Buying a House for Your Kids, The Credit Score Date Night, and More

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Why your parents should buy you a house (Sherwood). I’m not sure I agree with all of this, but it’s an interesting thought exercise. How to ensure financial misery (The Best Interest). And by the same token, doing the opposite of all this should […]

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How Serious Are You?

When Hal and Dee were in their mid-fifties, they found themselves with $50,000 of credit card and tax debt. That would have been bad enough, but they had been there before, which only made it worse. They had been riding a financial—not to mention emotional, spiritual, and marital—roller coaster for years. Repeating history Early in […]

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Profitable Ideas: Yet Another (Big) Data Breach, Beware the Wealth Effect, and More

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Hackers may have stolen the Social Security numbers of every American. Here’s how to protect yourself (LA Times). A security freeze at the three national credit bureaus is your strongest line of defense. So much about real estate commissions just changed. Here’s what to […]

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To Get Out of Debt Faster, Fix Your Payments

Finances seem to always top the list of what people are stressed about, and debt is usually the top financial stressor. If you have credit card debt, there’s a remarkably simple step you can take to greatly speed up the process of getting out from under that debt. Just fix your payments. Let’s say you have a $1,000 balance […]

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