I’m not a huge sports fan, and even less so a college sports fan. But with two kids now in college, I’ve been following this year’s college football season closer than ever. And, after Notre Dame’s win over Penn State to earn its spot in the national championship game, I was stuck by a comment […]
Archive | Spending Smart
Profitable Ideas: Choices to Make Sooner Than Later, Let Them Stumble, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. 9 choices you’ll wish you made sooner (This Evergreen Home). Time flies, so make these choices sooner than later. Is it time to become a one-car family? (MarketWatch). A highly underrated wise money management move—if you have two cars, have you ever considered becoming […]
Profitable Ideas: Spend That Gift, The Tricky Math of Cars, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Americans have billions in unused gift cards (Quartz). If you received a gift card for Christmas, use it before you lose it! Should you buy your 16-year-old a new vehicle? (A Wealth of Common Sense). I’ll write a longer post about this topic later. […]
Two Steps to Take Now for a Financially Sane Christmas Next Year
I know, Christmas is over. However, by the time most Christmas prep articles come out, it’s too late to prepare adequately. What I’ve discovered in my own life is that the most helpful steps toward a financially sane Christmas next year begin right after this year’s Christmas celebration is over. 1 – Create your own […]
Profitable Ideas: The High Cost of Homes, Free Cars, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Insurance and taxes now cost more than mortgages for many homeowners (Wall Street Journal). As you update your budget for the new year, make sure you’ve accounted for what are probably higher costs in these two parts of your housing category. It’s not rocket […]
Profitable Ideas: Don’t Take it Personally, The High Cost of Bad Advice, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Don’t take the market personally (A Wealth of Common Sense). “Once you start to take the market’s movements personally you’ve already lost.” Starbucks is the new Venmo for Gen Alpha (Fast Company). “The coffee chain is so deeply integrated into the lives of teens […]
Profitable Ideas: Put a Car in Your Cart, What Changed Scrooge, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. You can buy a car on Amazon now (Wired). Amazon Autos is starting with Hyundai, but more manufacturers are sure to follow. Money changes your clients: Key psychological insights for financial advisors (Advisor Perspectives). Written for advisors, but applicable for all. The hidden costs […]
Profitable Ideas: 101 Ways to Save, Impacting Countless Future Generations, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. 101 ways anyone can save money (This Evergreen Home). There’s bound to be an idea or two on this list you can use. Clark’s updated way to shop for car rental deals (Clark Howard). Clark’s go-to tips and tools for saving on rental cars. […]
Navigating The Mixed Messages Of Our Consumer Culture
If you’re really paying attention, life can be a very odd experience. Especially when it comes to money. For example, in troubled economic times, front-page newspaper stories regularly quote economists expressing concern that the personal savings rate is going up. I still vividly remember reading one such story during a recession. I had to blink […]
Profitable Ideas: The Trick to Saving Money, Garbage Clothing, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. 9 psychological tricks to save you money (This Evergreen Home). Good ideas for turning the tables on the behavioral biases that often steer us off course. The generosity power move that can boost your career (Wall Street Journal). There’s an art to networking so […]