Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Mindful consumption (Becoming Minimalist). Living intentionally in a reactionary world. How to sell your car in 6 steps (Clark Howard). If it seems intimidating, this step-by-step guide will help. Who was “i” without my iPhone? (The Gospel Coalition). Great first-person account of a digital […]
Archive | Spending Smart
Profitable Ideas: Needless Stress, Becoming a “Financial Mutant,” and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. The stress we needlessly bring into our lives (Becoming Minimalist). Some stress is unavoidable, but there’s a lot of consumerist stress we can do something about. Do I need to unfreeze my credit to shop for car insurance? (Clark Howard). Freezing your credit files […]
Profitable Ideas: A Richer Life, Fun Frugality, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Unlock a richer life by embracing your limits (Becoming Minimalist). Lots of great insights in this post! They turned 18 and immediately had a credit score of over 700 (Wall Street Journal). I’m a big fan of this idea, as long as we teach […]
Overcoming a Handyman Handicap One Faucet at a Time
In our previous house, when the water from the faucet in our upstairs bathroom went from flowing freely to flowing slowly, at first it was just an annoyance. But when it slowed so much that it could barely rinse a toothbrush, I got worried. My mind filled with fears of having to replace every last […]
Profitable Ideas: Stealth Shopping, Endless Parenting, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. The rise of stealth shopping: how Americans are hiding big purchases from their partners (Wall Street Journal). “My husband doesn’t need to see that I bought another pair of shoes.” Or does he? The new age of endless parenting (MSN). How will they ever […]
Profitable Ideas: Pursuing “Enoughness,” TikTok’s 15/3 Rule, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Why success doesn’t lead to satisfaction (Harvard Business Review). Are you operating with faulty measures of “enoughness”? The invisible costs of homeownership (The Joint Account). The cost of a home goes well beyond the purchase price. Parents, please turn off your phones (Institute for […]
Best Financial Advice
Over the years, I’ve asked readers to share some of the best financial advice they’ve ever received. Here are some of their answers. Bob said that during a pre-marriage class he and his then fiancé attended, the teacher suggested using pay raises to build an initial savings account. In Bob’s words, “I can remember how […]
Profitable Ideas: The Hidden Costs of a Home, Investing in Quality-of-Life, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Hidden costs of owning a home are surging for Americans (CNN). One of the most common mistakes I see on budgets is having nothing or not enough allocated to home maintenance and repairs. Today, that’s an especially important line item. Do you have a […]
Profitable Ideas: Happy Money, A Lifestyle of Generosity, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. How much happiness can your salary buy? Researchers can’t agree (Wall Street Journal). “Money matters for happiness, but not enormously.” “No-buy pledge” catches on with TikTokers. Here’s what to know and how to start (CBS Money Watch). It’s a great way to become more […]
Profitable Ideas: Money Touches Everything, The Science of Vacationing Well, and More
Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Money pervades everything (The Guardian). “Arguments about money are rarely about money.” The dos and don’ts of lending money (NPR). When friends or family ask for financial help, beware the many landmines. Stocks up, gold down in Americans’ best investment ratings (Gallup). Stocks are […]