Archive | Psychology of Money


An Identity Theft Like No Other

Identity theft has become a common crime, impacting millions people each year. As bad as the problem is, about a hundred years ago, an identity theft took place on a far grander scale. Everyone’s identity was stolen. Amazingly, this huge heist didn’t make headlines, and it didn’t prompt any calls for greater security. In fact, […]

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Navigating The Mixed Messages Of Our Consumer Culture

If you’re really paying attention, life can be a very odd experience. Especially when it comes to money. For example, in troubled economic times, front-page newspaper stories regularly quote economists expressing concern that the personal savings rate is going up. I still vividly remember reading one such story during a recession. I had to blink […]

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Profitable Ideas: Boomer Money Secrets, Nothing Average About the Market, and More

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. How boomers’ money secrets are a ticking time bomb for their kids (Sherwood). Parents, talk with your adult children about your finances—for their sake. Here’s the science behind our stupid money mistakes (Fast Company). How to retrain your brain to do better. How to […]

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Profitable Ideas: The Financial Habits You Inherited, Stealing Graceland, and More

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. The money habits I learned from my parents—for better or worse (Wall Street Journal). “You may want to invest and spend wisely, but these unconscious, ingrained tendencies can create financial problems down the road.” How to visit colleges (The College Financial Lady). If you’re checking out […]

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Profitable Ideas: Money Touches Everything, The Science of Vacationing Well, and More

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. Money pervades everything (The Guardian). “Arguments about money are rarely about money.” The dos and don’ts of lending money (NPR). When friends or family ask for financial help, beware the many landmines.  Stocks up, gold down in Americans’ best investment ratings (Gallup). Stocks are […]

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Profitable Ideas: College Decision Time, The Most Important Concept in Finance, and More

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. 9 ways to help your teen with the college decision (US News). A good guide for what can be a gut-wrenching decision. Financial flexibility (The Best Interest). Don’t paint yourself into a corner. Facing mortality, more Americans wrote wills during the pandemic. Now, they’re […]

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Profitable Ideas: The Art of Slowing Down, Making Money a Blessing in Your Marriage, and More

Weekly list of curated personal finance articles from around the web. 7 simple steps to embrace slow living through minimalism (No Sidebar). I link to so many articles about slowing down and simplifying because I want to do those things! How about you? How your college major affects whether you have enough money for retirement […]

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